Tuesday, October 9, 2012

He is a man

He is a man in every sense of the word
I lay next to him and run my finger tips
a long the outlines of his body
I watch him breath in the troubles of the world
and out the answers that makes things better
He is a man in every sense of the word
with one touch  he can make you feel like
a little school girl on the play ground after
her first kiss.
Then make you feel like the queen of everything that you
touch must of all him.
His loving takes you place no story book could
He dose magic and do not even realize it
turns you into
a homemaker
a mother
a wife
a friend
a lover
and many more just with three words I Love You.
He is a man in every sense of the word
His body it turns your emotions upside down
but yet you love every moment of it.
He is a king and should be treated as one
Although the world dose not allow him to
sit On the throne like he should
You should not never let him forget
He is a man in every sense of the word
                                                          Laticha Blackurn
                                              10/9/2012 time 10:45pm

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