Friday, June 15, 2012


Shady people are like the trees in the woods always trying to keep you from seeing the light about who they really are.You can keep moving and soon it will become clear about who they are, Or you can stick around and watch them turn on each other when the fall comes.

Letter To My Ex So Called Friend

I have been going over this for months trying to understand why you did the things you have done.Why you would for no reason at all turn on me.You have acted so shady towards me I can no longer see sunshine in our relationship.Friendship is a true gift and you have thrown my gift back in my face.So from now on I will in no way just give anyone that honor of being called my friend.They will have to earn it so until then they will be just someone I know. I will not a dress them  as friend to people I know until it is earned.As far as you taking my friendship and stepping all over it I feel sorry for you.It is truly your lost and what dose that say about the kind of person you are.Tells me you do not belong in my life but thank you for the lesson sweetie it's been real.

My Bitch

You kept calling her to come out and play
I tried to keep her inside and to act lady like
But you would not stop calling day and night
The Phone,Texting  and Tweeting you would
call her to come out and play
So I am letting her out and I am not responsible
for what so do or say to you
Do not ask me why she said that to you
why she acted that way towards you
why she hurt your feeling because you asked for
her to come out and play so you
deserve everything that you get when you play with my bitch
Now have fun I know I will.