Friday, November 6, 2015

Stop Using Your Child Like Chess Pieces

I find it funny how people complain that they can not find a relationship.
Women saying all men are dogs and Men saying all females are gold diggers.
Yet when it comes to dealing with each other in a relationship we teach our kids to
to disrespect each other, When we do not get our way we use the kids to punish
each other not taking it into account that we are also hurting the child.
    So how is it you want a good man/woman yet you treat him or her like  children?
When you use your child as an object to punish your ex you are teaching them this is
how you deal with relationships. This is so sad because this child had nothing to do with what
happen in the relationship they just happen to be a product of it. Working together and showing one another respect even when you are not  sleeping together is called being adults.
     Why would you want someone who no longer wants you... Take it as their loss and find someone who will treat you like the king or queen you are. Our children are not chess pieces to be played when ever your feel the need so stop using them as such. You don't want to be in a relationship with someone who play games, So why teach your child that you need to play games to get their way in a relationship??...
By. Laticha Blackburn aka Tishasweetcandy 11/6/2015

Monday, June 29, 2015

Websites are helping people bully.

Sad that people are using website to bully other people.
Now a days if someone do not like someone they can bully them and not even show it was them that done it. If you have a account on a page where other people can get your page deleted then you can be available website bullied. Why are websites giving people this kind of power over other lives???..  I thought if you did something wrong in the website eyes that when you would be removed not because some haters made false claims by pushing the report button.
         If someone do not like your look or now you speak or any dumb reason they can come up with they are given the power to remove you. Nine times out of ten they st just being a ASS. This needs to be changed giving the keys to a ten year old just because you do not feel like driving would be crazy... So why give power to grown ass people who are acting like ten year old??.

                                       Laticha Blackburn aka Tishasweetcandy  June 29,2015

Friday, June 5, 2015

Taking Care Of Her Man Or Being There For Her Man? Do You Know The Differance?

I find it so damn funny when some people say I would never take care of a man...I could never do that.. Oh really sweetie do you even know what is to be there for your man I mean truly be there for your man???. It do not make you weak or a fool to do so..When you and your man have an agreement about how things will work in your relationship then what is the problem..
Too many people on the out side looking in do not have a damn clue what is going on to make judgement about it. If he is giving  her what she needs and want who the hell are you to judge.  Most of the women that make the statement I would never take care of a man, Are the same ones who want a man to take care of the I find that funny.
       A person doing their share in the relationship do not always mean them bring home a check and if that is how you see  a relationship then I feel sorry for you. If your husband lost his job tomorrow and did not get work for awhile leaving you to bring home the bacon you going to leave him. Even when he is  home with the kids cooking,clean tending to the kids and the whole nine and still giving you lovin ....Still never  could be you? Still you would never?.....  We let what others think about us turn things into something they are not just to please them..When the only people you should care about pleasing is God,your kids if you have them, you and your mate.
           Doing for your mate when they are doing and giving you what you need and want from the relationship there is nothing wrong with that. Stop trying to please others and you will be much happier in your life.

                                                                    By Tishasweetcandy aka DysirableDiva

Monday, June 1, 2015


I find it funny how people talk shit about other people not really know what the hell they talking about... Unless you was there yourself how the hell would you know what really going on?? Speaking about the next man/woman business and you are/was not there to see for yourself is so damn stupid. Just because you hear he/she say shit about someone do not mean it is true. The same people you get your info from are talking shit about your ass and if you think they are not you are walking around with blinders on.
        I also find it sad how many people want to believe the negative shit just so they can feel good about themselves... You needing to hear bad stuff about other people to make yourself feel good WHAT DO THAT SAY ABOUT YOU AS A PERSON?????. There are always many sides to a story ....WHAT PEOPLE BELIEVE THAT HAPPEN,  WHAT PEOPLE HOPED  THAT HAPPENED , WHAT PEOPLE WANTED TO HAVE HAPPENED  AND THEN THE TRUTH .... Sad how people give less then a fuck about the truth because how would it make them seem right??SMFH...

Is Your Negativity Really Working For You

I never can understand how people who go around putting others down think... What the hell is your negativity getting you??? Is it putting money in your pocket? Is it helping your be a better person not only for your self but for the people you love??... Who wants to be around someone who feel the need to spread pain and hurt to make themselves look better in other people eyes. When someone sit around me talking negative shit about someone my first thought is well damn as soon as I do something this person do not like they will do the some to me... No way in hell would I look at someone who dose this as someone I could look up to much less be around. Life is to short to not want to be happy and to have like mined people around you. I feel sorry for these people because they do not realize what they are really doing to themselves and that is so sad. What you put out there is what you get back ten times over...put negative you get negative....

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Woman who use their children to get back at their Ex..

I never understood why females use their kids to get back at their Ex. Not letting them see them or spend time with them or even talk to them on the phone. Who do you think you are hurting really??? Your child is the one paying the price for something they had nothing to do with. Do not get me wrong but their are also some fathers who have their children and do the same thing but more so it is the female.
                What went wrong in your relationship had nothing to do with your child and using them like chess pieces is wrong. If he did something wrong to the child or he beat on you I could understand some can be assholes. Those that want to see their child spend time with their child and your only reason to say no is because he cheated on you when you was together is dead wrong. If a father is doing the best he can money wise and you know in your heart that he really loves his kids why not let him see his child???...
           A lot of kids grow up being misinformed  about their fathers because the mother held on to the angry she had about something that happen in the relationship. You do not have to be in a relationship with him for him to be a father to his child... Why rob your child of his love because you can no longer can have it??....Do you even realize you giving your son/daughter a messed up view of how relationships go.. You do not get your way so you punish is that what you really want your son/daughter to take into their future relationships???..
          You can still be hurt or mad upset about what ever he may have done to wrong you. That is the point it was done to you not your child and making it seem as it was is crazy. We has adult get into adult relationships but when things go wrong with it can act like little kids... We should stop this behavior  we are grow ups when we laid down and had that kid so why not continue to act one... Leave the child out of the romantic or lact there of the relationship and and put the adult in the parent part of your relationship when dealing with your Ex.....

                                                                                            By,Tishasweetcandy aka Dysirable Diva 4/7/2015

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Taking Rejection With Class Or Do You Become A Ass?

Why is it when a female reject some men he thinks that is a open door for him to disrespect her. Calling her out side her name and trying to hurt he feelings only reaffirm that she was right for not dealing with you in the first place. So why act like a kid who do not get their way so they start showing their ass. You would not want someone calling a female member of your family out their name would you? So remember that this female is someones daughter.Taking it like a gentlemen and saying to yourself her lost may make her rethink thoughts on you.Who knows if you try again at a other time you may get a yes. Giving her respect no matter what is always a good look.
                                                                                 By Tishasweetcandy Ceo of Dysirable Diva